
a moment for Japan.

Writing a blog about Suzuki Omnichords brings the disaster in Japan close to home. During the last couple of days I slowly realized the scale of this disaster. It's bigger than anything ever happened in Japan.
I met with Mr Yu Beniya of Suzuki and his collegues a couple of years ago and wanted to know how they were. Through Howard Johnson of Suzuki Europe Ltd. I received this message from Yu.

Message to all who have asked about the situation:

Our Suzuki staffs, My family here in Hamamatsu, Japan are fine and thinking about afflicted peoples.....in Miyagi Pref. Fukishima Pref....and Tokyo.......It is a teribble situation....
The eathquake occured in the north of Japan,
and our office (in the middle) shaked not so seriously.
Now we are just so shocked by the tragic situation on the news,
and can do nothing, just seeing how it will affect the nuclear alert.....

I have to say ' Stand up to a crisis together by joining hands '. 

Lets hope and pray for the best. 


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